Thursday, November 19, 2009


Ok so i've been terrible at this. I apologize. School, work, music, and life are all catching up with me and as most of you know we are in the final 3 weeks of classes left. Damn dudes, thats not much time.

Pabst, our dog is doing great, he sits now and I think he knows his name.

Music is fun, playing at the mercy lounge Nov. 30th, its a free show. 21+.

Friends are back from tour, friends are leaving for tour.

Things are changing but they are good.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



So it has been incredibly too long. I have been really busy, I swear. So the update:

- Went to Mexico and built a house with my parents, and family and more. That was really awesome and really fun. Met some great people and as always came back to the states much more appreciative of what I have here.

- Got a dog, named him Pabst, he's really awesome and really hyper.

- Started recording and rehearsing. Playing a show at the Mercy Lounge next wed, Nov. 4.

- My Dad turned 50, and is still more of a stud than I'll ever be.

- Went camping in an apple orchard in Columbia, TN and had way too much fun, as a result...

- Have been sick for the past few days. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

- Actually ahead in some classes, feel pretty good about that.

- wow, ok, so if there is anything else you'd like to know, please ask.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

jean and tyler enjoying a beautiful day on the front porch talking about life.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Any Day Now.

Any day the sun will shine once again here in Nashville,TN.

(autumn day in TN)

I am not saying that I dont like the rain, because the past week of rain has been great. But what happened to those beautiful sunny days? I want them back. Even better, today is the first day of fall! One of my favorite seasons of the year! Soon sweater weather will get here! Nice ,cool and crisp weather! Goodbye humidity!

Red and Orange, or Red and Yellow?
- Jean-Michael Vissepo

"Oh, falling leaves should curse their branches
For not letting them decide where they should fall
And not letting them refuse to fall at all"
-David Bazan

Monday, September 21, 2009

Jean and Tyler talk about peace and other things...



This month has past by, in fact I don't even remember starting it I just woke up today and its already the 21st.

My days now consist of wake up, between 8:00 and 10:00
make coffee and waffles or toast.
check email and respond to emails.
put on music.
work on homework until it is done.
work on Living Water Intl. until class or until its done.
work on freelance work until I get to a good stopping point.
do some dishes.
meet up with friends.
play music.
go home and sleep.

i dig it.

Im trying to quit smoking, I've wanted to for a while, but now I really want to. Haven't bought any cigarettes in 3 days. Only smoked 1 all day yesterday. hopefully i can make this last. Ive had the worst headaches of my lifetime. its only temporary though! ha.
