I know we have not checked back with you guys for a long while and for that i would like to express my most sincere apologies. We , meaning the kids of 1620, have been overloaded with work,school and productions...is ok though I have a good feeling about it...I know that even though it feels like we cannot breath for most of the time we will make it through. We will come out on top of the wave! Currently, Joey Scala is living at the 1620 residence until he goes up to Pueblo Colorado,also I am working on homework ...and im pretty bored with it. It will get exciting soon though.
Joey and Tyler have driven to a local pizza shop (keep in mind its 1am and 19 degrees outside) to dumpster dive for some grub since Julian has not gone grocery in a while and is hungry. In the meantime...heres a pic!
Jean-Michael Vissepo

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