School is almost over and as I pace stressfully the hallways of our school I am able to feel the intense pressure and stress of turning work and finished pieces on time. To say the least, I also have a bunch of work to turn in.
On a lighter note, I'm getting a tattoo on friday and I am super stoked on it. A falcon will be my next tattoo. It will be a line drawing of my spirit animal that has been present in my life since childhood when my aunt bought me the zoobooks collection.
Also, Easter Sunday was a wonderful day at the 1002 house that was spent doing house/yard work and then my family came up from Franklin to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ with my roomates and I. My mother, made a succulent Puertorican meal and after that we played frisbee in our recently mowed back yard. So far this week, is going alright not only because Preview Day went so well,but because I'm getting somewhere in drawing class (my self portrait looks like me). That's all for now. Here's a picture of a falcon. I hope you all can share in the joy of my 5th tattoo.

Don't get caught in the wave.
JM Vissepo Ocasio
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