Dear Reader,
I'm not going to sugar coat what I'm about to say. As an artist, I have come across a road block, a writer's block , a creative block or whatever the hell you choose to call it. At the beginning of the summer I was very excited because I was going to have all this free time to just create and that has not been the case. In retrospect, I think that the way I feel at the moment has greatly influenced this creative block that I am going through right now. I have done several things that I think have contributed to me getting past this. For example, I have looked at a lot of random artwork online in the ffffound website. Also, I got a new film camera. It's actually not very new. Its an early model of a Minolta camera and started shooting random photographs and trying to create a concept to shoot a project. Thus far, I am excited about what might come out of this and for what the next month holds. I am going to back to Puerto RIco which is just a great opportunity to get away from my usual surroundings and expose myself to new things and people.
Till this goes away,
Jean-Michael Vissepo
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