Monday, September 21, 2009

On scriptwriting.

Greetings Most Esteemed Readers,

I'm currently listening to Andrew Bird's 2009 release, Noble Beast. The artist will be in Nashville October, 10th. So will David Bazan, ex-front man for Pedro the Lion. Anyways, that was just a side note. The last few weeks have been very hectic and exciting. Since school started I have been, once again writing screenplays, shooting and spending long nights at the writing lab.

This past weekend, I helped Jayson Wall shoot a 30 sec P.S.A. for our production class. It was definitely a great experience. We shot with a green screen and with an HD cam. On scriptwriting, I have started writing for the Production I will be shooting on November, a 7 minute M.O.S (no dialogue) , short narrative film and I am having a blast. I enjoy the writing and the rewriting process so much. Through it, I really get to know my characters and what they are all about. Often, in the process of writing this screenplay, I have found myself in these characters, along with with some of my life experiences. In short, I have put a lot of me in screenplay and I find this a very odd and scary process.

Let Go and Let it be,
Jean-Michael Vissepo

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